Thursday 6 June 2024

Bring me sunshine


Bring Me Sunshine

Mamma Mia meets Shirley Valentine in the brand-new holiday romance for 2024 from the International No.1 bestseller.

Gina Bennett has had enough after her husband of twenty-seven years lets her down one time too many. Deciding to choose herself, she embarks on a transformative solo journey to break free from the monotony of her life.

She escapes to the gorgeous Greek island of Kalosiros, where she holidayed in her youth, and where she had her first romance with the handsome Nico. Encountering two kindred spirits in Rosie and Deedee, the women bond over art classes and cocktails, renewing their lust for life and a shared quest to find Gina's lost love.

Together, they navigate the challenges of middle-age, self-discovery, and the liberating power of skinny-dipping. Will Gina find love again with her teenage sweetheart Nico, her husband, or with someone new? 

Bring Me Sunshine is a wonderfully uplifting, coming-of-middle-age story about female friendship, romance and starting over, set on a gorgeous Greek island in the sun. The perfect summer read!

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Author Bio – 

Alex Brown is an international #1 bestselling women’s fiction author. Her novels have been published in twenty-one countries and have sold over a million copies. Previously published by HarperCollins, her first title for Boldwood, Bring Me Sunshine, will be published in June 2024.

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My Review

First of all, I have to say how much I loved the energy and vivaciousness of the three main characters. Going on a journey of self-discovery with the three new friends was a joy, even if this meant at times they behaved like teenagers. There is definitely a Shirley Valentine vibe as Gina leaves her husband behind to go in search of new adventures. Whether this is with her first holiday crush from years ago, with someone new or with her husband is for you the reader to find out. All I will say is that all is skilfully resolved in the end.
You won't regret going on Gina's journey with her and having a bundle of laughs along the way - all set on a beautiful Greek island. The perfect armchair journey.

Sunday 2 June 2024

The Greek Villa


Is this villa in Greece a disastrous fixer-upper… or a dream come true for Claudia?

After receiving a life-changing inheritance from a beloved, quirky older relative, thirty-two-year-old
 Claudia has done something wild they would approve of – she’s bought a run-down villa in Greece! Though she’s never seen it in person, she’s sure that with a lick of paint, it will be everything she’s ever dreamed of…

But, arriving at her new home on the gorgeous Greek island of 
Corfu, Claudia is met with a shock. The cracks look more like chasms, plants are growing through the tiled floor, and the view of the sparkling blue sea would be perfect – if there was a window instead of a hole in the wall.

With the local villagers thinking she’s mad to take on the villa, Claudia panics she’s made the biggest mistake of her life. 
Until local builder Dimitri comes to her rescue… Between his caring nature, his rippling muscles and deep brown eyes, Claudia can’t believe she’s found her knight in shining armour. And they grow close over glasses of Greek wine beneath the stars, after long, hot days working on the villa.

But just when Claudia begins to see a future with Dimitri, his ex-girlfriend throws a spanner in the works. Though he reassures her that it’s over between them, Claudia starts to feel like he’s keeping secrets. Then a pipe bursts, flooding the villa, and all Claudia’s hopes are dashed at once…

Should Claudia call it quits and head back to her old life? Or is Dimitri hiding the perfect surprise, one that could help Claudia finally build her dream life in Greece?

Fans of Sarah Morgan, Jenny Colgan and My Mamma Mia Summer will love this gorgeous holiday read, which will sweep you away to the stunning beaches of Greece.

Author Bio:

Sue Roberts lives in Lancashire with her long term partner Derek and has had a lifelong love of writing, encouraged by winning a school writing competition at the age of 11.

She always assumed that ‘one day’ she would write a book, always having a busy household and a job, the idea remained firmly on the back burner but never forgotten.

The inspiration for her first novel came to her on a holiday to a Greek village. Her daughters had left home and suddenly the time had come to write that book!

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My review

Many of us have no doubt dreamt of buying a Greek villa, renovating it and escaping to Greece. As such we can identify with Claudia who spends her uncle's inheritance on a whim and buys a house she's never seen that needs doing-up. The premise sounds great and had me hooked at the start.

I loved the descriptions of Greece and of course the food as Claudia finds builder Dimitri and begins the renovations.I was expecting more conflict and for lots of things to go wrong yet amazingly Dimitri is free and does an amazing job. The only fly in the ointment is when one of the builders falls through the ceiling. Claudia didn't seem very understanding and doesn't seem to have much of an idea about Greek life.

The constant toing and froing between Greece and England wore thin after a while and I would have liked more of a spark between Claudia and Dimitri. That said, I enjoyed the read, loved watching the villa come together and of course the HEA. Lots of great descriptions that will allow the reader their own fantasy escape to Greece.